Friday, December 28, 2007

Next year for sure!

Lacey said it best in her comment to Kliss about seeing the lights on Temple Square. "Next year for sure." So here's my list of Next Year for Sure things:
1. Have the tree(s) up ready to light on Thanksgiving night.
2. Decorate 2 trees. One in the addition and a new white one in the front room in front of the window for all the people to see as they drive by and to help me remember it's Christmas because I don't go out in the addition that much.
3. For sure I'll have any gifts that are Christmas-y ready to give early so they can be enjoyed through the weeks before Christmas and not just on Christmas Eve. This means any decorations and/or neighbor gifts.
4. Have all gifts bought and wrapped by Thanksgiving so I can distribute them at Thanksgiving to save mailing them if that turns out to be a plan. If not, I'll still have them bought and wrapped and ready to go so I can sit back and smugly tell people that I have my shopping and wrapping done.
5. Post my list of "ever-so-clever-and-quite-cheesy" neighbor gifts in October so others can have plenty of time to get them ready to give to their neighbors.
6. Come up with a new neighbor gift idea that isn't lame so I don't feel stupid when I receive a bag with a loaf of homemade bread, a bag of Mission tortilla chips, a jar of homemade salsa (ummm---so good!) and chocolate raspberry bars that are wonderful and the recipe is from Weight Watchers. Accompanying that gift was another gift bag containing a mirror with the nativity etched on it. A small easel was included to hold the mirror. This from one neighbor. Another neighbor gift was paper products wrapped up in cellophane giving me a night off from doing dishes. This was accompanied by a big red popcorn bowl filled with a lightly sweetened mix of popcorn and nuts. Or, the huge, oversized bowl heaping with caramel popcorn and wrapped with yards of cellophane to cover all of it. My little $2 bottle of Mayo seemed downright cheap in the trading.
7. Make it to Utah to see the lights on Temple Square and visit our Utah families.
8. Enjoy the month of December instead of wondering if we had a month of December.
9. Get really, really organized for Christmas at the end of September. That means making lists, shopping, and planning. (This year I started my list before Thanksgiving and might as well have not even had one for all that seemed to not get done until the last minute anyway.
10. Next year for sure I will enjoy Christmas!


Alesha Beattie said...

I absolutly love your blog! I'm glad someone elses believes we didn't have a december as well. I guess time flies when you are having fun. I also loved the ghost rider post, and the one about you trying to back the trailer up. For some reason I could picture it prefectly.( But it couldn't be that I have the same problem because I totally don't).

Berta said...

AMEN, SISTA . . .I hear ya!

Kliss said...

Wow! I can't imagine what your New Year's Resolutions must be. I may try a few of them myself. I would like to get December back myself.

lrix said...

You are so good. We will have to help encourage you so you can accomplish all of that. I know I never reach my goals so I try not to aim to high seems to work for me. Look on my blog for the blog backgrounds site I promised I would post...oh and your music hasn't come yet...bah wah

RobynE said...

I think you commetns about shopping the day after Thanksgiving are preety funny. One time for me and I won't do that again. At least we can morn with those who morn.